Entry 20 - The Judgment Day

My final blog post for Project Viteză, let’s do this!

Well, it’s only a few days before our deadline, which according to our brief is Monday, September 2nd, at 9AM. So there’s no time to waste, let’s talk about what we’ve been up to this past week.

The Task of Tiling

To get ready for our presentation, we of course had to make sure that we had a level ready. Since I was already working on my assigned level (Level 3: Ice Plains), we decided to finish off this level and get it ready. As a result, I spent a lot of time using the snow tilemap to paint the layout of the level. As expected, this was a time-consuming process, as I had to think about where I wanted to place hazards, or how I wanted the player to be able to progress through certain areas. After that arduous task was finished, my next job was to place the collectibles (V Coins) throughout the level, which was simpler though still a bit tedious. Take a look at the level in its current form below.

Demo Level Layout Our demo level, littered with V Coins.

The Resolution Solution at Last

With the help of a friend at the lab in the IT, I’ve finally fixed the ever-annoying issue I’ve had since week 7 where the UI in my main menu would be skewed after switching to different resolutions. My friend helped me use a render texture for the menu’s scrolling background, so that it will remain at the same position in front of the camera. Later, I switched my menu canvas from “Screen Space - Overlay” to “Screen Space - Camera” and now my UI looks the same at every resolution! At long last! I’ve tested built versions of the main menu and everything seems to be in place at whatever resolution.

After getting this issue sorted, I finally added a title image to the title screen itself. Take a look below.

Final Title Screen The finalised look for our title screen. It’s almost time…

That’s all I can say for now in truth. We’re gonna be spending these last few days implementing as much as we can before the deadline. Everything else (our design document, our project schedule, our Trello page, and this blog) is already in order and ready for submission.

After that, we apparently have to give a presentation for this project, but at the time of writing I have been given no information on exactly where, when and how we present this project. All I’ve found is that our brief states that September 4th is the most likely date for presentation, but that was written months ago, so who knows? We’ll see what happens in the coming week all the same.

I’ll add a small addendum to the end of this post after all is said and done. Until then, wish us luck in these final hours!

Addendum as of 06/09/2019: Well, all is submitted. It turns out that there was never going to be a presentation for our sim placement projects. We received an email on September 1st stating that a presentation shouldn’t have been mentioned on the brief at all. The email also stated that if we hear nothing before September 4th we can assume that we’ve passed. It’s currently September 6th, so I suppose we’ve passed!

As for the demo, you can play it here. Of course, it’s quite rough around the edges, but it should get across the kind of game we were going for.

This is Jack Gilmartin signing off.

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