Entry 15 - A New Tactic

A quick post detailing my change in method regarding control of Katt’s angle.

This week I decided to look into an alternate method of checking surface angles. I’ve had success with this new method, as opposed to the custom tilemap method I’ve referred to earlier. I’ll elaborate further below.

Entry 14 - Animation Prototyping

A short post going into the process of creating a prototype animation state machine for Katt.

This week I was successful in creating a prototype animation state machine for Katt. It was a simple enough affair as I had some experience making one in the last Global Game Jam. Here’s a quick look at the state machine in its current form.

Entry 11 - Katt Viteză and the Tilemap Conspiracy

A reflection on the rabbit hole I fell into looking for answers on custom tiles and tilebrushes.

As I was working on the new movement script for Katt this past week, I came across an issue: I wanted Katt to stand at an angle appropriate to the surface she’s standing on. (For example, her sprite would be tilted 45 degrees while standing on a 45 degree slope.) How could I get her to do this?
